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Wife Denied Access to Visit Her Husband Again.


Debbie’s husband Vern has been detained in Eagle Park Institution in Qualicum Beach, BC for almost two years. Her visits with Vern have been very restricted to less than one hour per week; the reasons for the restrictions are unclear. Vern’s health and well-being are dependent on love, companionship and mental stimulation, which he is not receiving without her visits.

Debbie must phone Eagle Park for permission to see Vern each day and is often denied. On three separate occasions, Debbie has been ordered to leave the premises under threat of 911 calls to the RCMP. Staff at Eagle Park appear to have the power and authority to deny access to a loved one on a whim.

On Oct.28th 2024, Debbie took the hour and 15-minute return journey to the institution and was refused access again. Is this appropriate treatment for seniors in a long term health care facility and their spouse?

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