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Eileen Wicks emigrated to Canada from England with her husband Trevor in 1968. They now live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Eileen is a fit and adventurous person living with some dementia. Her outdoor lifestyle came to an abrupt halt on January 12th 2022 when she was snatched from her home. She is now confined in an institution with a very poor quality of life. Trevor has limited visitation rights and Eileen spends much of her day alone.
Island Health Authority falsely decided that Eileen's’ safety was at risk. Misinformation and lack of communication resulted in Eileen being confined for more than 2 1/2 years, against what had been stated in her Advanced Directive.​​​ Trevor had been obligated to pay out more than $140,000 dollars in legal fees to, unsuccessfully, have his wife and partner of 62 years released. The lawyer acting for the seniors claimed it would take another $200,000 dollars to have his wife released.
Hear Eileen's appeal for freedom:
Through his battle to free Eileen from a confinement Trevor has come to understand that the Pacific coast of Canada, with its beautiful scenery and a desirable climate, has a dark side that seniors should be aware of. Authorities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, have the power to remove seniors from their home, take away their legal rights. Then detain these individuals for years without explanation.
Human Rights Inquiry Under Way
Trevor and Eileen's case is not the only one of this nature. As another example, a senior had to desperately search for her husband for three months, after he was detained and concealed by the Island Health Authority.
BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (BCOHRC) is currently conducting an inquiry into involuntary detentions under the Adult Guardianship Act. The inquiry aims to uncover how emergency powers under the Adult Guardianship Act are used by health authorities and to determine whether detention practices align with human rights laws and standards. More information can be found here:
The Adult Guardianship Act is often used or abused by authorities to incarcerate individuals.​ Here're a sampling of articles covering the story:
Apprehensions of Eileen & Trevor Wicks become murkier
Nanaimo Hospital ignores FOI request for records, Eileen Wicks still detained, allegations surface
Eileen Wicks’ case takes sharp turn on legal front, publication bans questioned
Multi Millions of Health Care Dollars Feeding the Rich, not Seniors
A team of Island Health staff lawyers are costing the health care system around $170,000 dollars each per year. In addition the Authority hires private law firms. One international law firm NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT received almost 13 million dollars in one year with lawyers being paid $500 dollars per hour. Meanwhile the allocated daily cost of food for residents some in LTC homes is less that $11 dollars per day.
Refer to the following blog article to see how Island Health is using taxpayer dollars, including a hefty amount going towards their lawyers:
Many seniors become second class – sub human citizens when they are forced to move into some of the long term care facilities in BC. Often treated like mentally challenged kindergarten children. If they complain at all, the medications are introduced in staggering quantities. The doped-up individuals are most likely to be forced into wheelchairs and many are strapped in. With no meaningful exercise they become unable to walk. Trapped and controlled many seniors give up hope and die of loneliness, loss of dignity, malnutrition and dehydration.
Trevor asks that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, please intervene to rescue Eileen Wicks from her confinement at Eagle Park Institution in QB BC.
Trevor is available to provide further information in regards to his and Eileen's story, as well as in regards to the Island Health overreach he has discovered and experienced.
Suggested and Possible Headlines
Are Seniors Safe in Long Term Care?
Canadian Health Authority Involved in Elder Abuse
Seniors on Vancouver Island Living in Fear of Island Heath's Overreach of Authority
BC Seniors Afraid for Their Lives
Health Authority Overreach can Have Deadly Consequences
Multi Millions of Health Care Dollars Feeding the Rich
Government leadership Needs to Redirect Taxpayers Hard-Earned Cash
Lawyer Corruption Rampant in Public Health Issues
Seniors Health Injustice in Justice
Courts are Being Manipulated Against Seniors' Rights
Older Individuals Face Neglect, Abuse, and Abandonment in the ‘System’