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Threats and Intimidation


Eileen and I feel very threatened by the actions of the Island Health Authority and the Eagle Park institution located at 777 Jones Street in Qualicum Beach B C,  Canada. There is no justification in preventing me from visiting my wife.

Email On 2024-07-05 11:55 a.m., Philbrook, Rosanne [ISLH] wrote:   Hello Trevor,

 You are now required to use the lobby entrance and exit into the Green unit.  You have not been compliant with this request on July 4th, or 5th, 2024 therefore if you do not adhere to this plan for successful interactions with staff and residents we will not be allowing you access to Eagle Park. Regards, Rosanne Philbrook, Care Manager Eagle Park Health Care Facility and Westhaven    Phone: 250-947-8220 Ext 39108 cell: 250-588-1936| email:

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