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July 29th Litany of False Statements


The following is a letter from Island Health in regards to a Support and Assistance plan they were formulating for Eileen. They wished for me to agree to the plan on the spot.

Hi Mr. Wicks,

I am acknowledging receipt of your email but I am not sure what you want me to advise on.  We provided you with an updated version of the court-ordered support and assistance plan from November 2023 for your input, and we were clear before we met that Island Health would be seeking a renewal of the plan to have Eileen remain at Eagle Park. As you have not provided any input, can we assume you are not going to provide consent to Eileen remaining at Eagle Park without a court order?

Thank you

My reply is as follows:

Dear Ms. Kirk and Ms. Hiebert,

Re: The meeting we had on July 23rd at the Eagle Park facility in Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada and the proposed Support and Assistance ‘Plan’ for Eileen Wicks.

On July 4th we received the following statement. ‘We have prepared a new Support and Assistance plan. It has been presented to Mrs. Wicks and she is in agreement.’

After several requests to have a copy for review prior to the meeting, the ‘plan’ was finally provided to us on July 23rd. During the review of the ‘plan’ in detail, Eileen Wicks was adamant that she did not and would not agree to that ‘plan’. The vast majority of the revised ‘plan’ is based on false, misleading, unsubstantiated statements. Many of these statements have been made in a previous plan and have neither been proven or upheld.

You are aware that Eileen had documented her lifestyle wishes in an ‘Advanced Directive’ and quality of life profile. You should be aware the any individual providing care for another individual has a moral and legal responsibility to comply with these directives. Without Mr. Wicks’ frequent interactions by phone and the very limited visitation time; the Eagle Park facility is incapable of providing the care required to maintain Eileen’s health and well-being.

We request the extension of visiting of Mr. Wicks to regular family hours. The actions of Island Health have negatively affected both Eileen and Trevor Wicks’ health, welfare and quality of life.

Our request to you on July 26th and in previous correspondence, included a request to change direction on the matter of Eileen Wicks care. To that end we need an independent review of Eileen Wicks’ two year, seven-month confinement.

This should be conducted by individual/s who do not have the tendencies toward retribution, narcissistic and or sociopathic behaviour.

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