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After 62 Years Together They Are Blocking All Contact With My Wife Eileen.

I have not seen my lovely wife Eileen since Friday September 20th and they have now prohibited me from visiting her. CAN ANYONE HELP US PLEASE?

An Open Letter to Rosanne Philbrook, Care Manager Eagle Park Health Care Facility

Phone: 250-947-8220 Ext 39108 cell: 250-588-1936| email: September 25th 2024

Good morning, Rosanne,

For the fourth time in seven weeks Eileen and I have not been able to communicate using the phone. It appears that her phone is being tampered with to block incoming calls. This action has always happened over a period of time when I am not allowed to visit and unable to locate or fix the problem. So far, I have spent countless hours and had to replace three phones, and we are paying for a private service that we cannot depend on. (Shaw Total amount due Sept : $45.51)

You are well aware that Eileen love each other very much and depend on each other’s companionship to stay physically and mentally healthy. When I am not visiting Eileen at Eagle Park, we use the phone many times each day, to keep each other’s spirits up, from 6.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. We laugh and sing, tell jokes, read stories communicate with friends and relatives, and reminisce about the good times we had, when we were together, free and able to make our own decisions.

The way we are being treated is not only unjust and unreasonable, it is causing us considerable emotional stress. As I am currently prohibited from visiting Eileen in her confinement. Would you please ensure the Eileen’s latest desk phone, is able to receive incoming calls at 250 594 3172?

Regards, Trevor Wicks --- updated---

On YouTube Trevor Wicks@openinnovation1

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